Cross section of participants at the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Nigeria Field Epidemiology Training Program (NCDC/NFELTP) Pre-conference workshop on AMR held at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja, July 2017
Group photo of participants at the NFELTP AMR Training workshop for Cohort 8 residents September 2017
Pharm Estelle Mbadiwe facilitating a session at the NFELTP AMR Training workshop for Cohort 8 residents September 2017
Group photo of participants at the Ducit Blue Solutions/NFELTP AMR Training workshop for Cohort 9 residents, March 2017
Pharm Estelle Mbadiwe facilitating a session at the NCDC monthly journal club meeting on AMR
Pharm Love facilitating a session at the AMR NAP Development meeting in Ibadan, march 2017
Pharm Estelle Mbadiwe facilitating a session at the NFELTP AMR Training workshop for Cohort 9 residents march 2018
Hellen Gelband, former GARP International Coordinator giving a presentation at the finalization workshop of the Nigeria’s National action plan on antimicrobial resistance
Prof Iruka Okeke, GARP Nigeria Academic lead, giving a presentation at the finalization workshop of the Nigeria’s National action plan on antimicrobial resistance.